Corporate Social
Discover Manitoulin Transport’s Corporate Social
Responsibility initiatives and policies.
Discover Manitoulin Transport’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and policies.
Dedicated & Responsible
At Manitoulin Transport, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) extends beyond its terminals and offices. The program covers Manitoulin’s active participation in the industry, communities, and the environment. The company is deeply committed to CSR initiatives, given its impact on society, for both present and future generations. The program aims to bring about lasting change and improvements that will have a profound effect on communities across Canada.

Business Ethics & Transparency
Manitoulin is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity within its corporate governance practices. These are applied throughout the company and in all business transactions. Ethical business practices are crucial to the company’s operational foundation, as they are fundamental to the continued success of the organization. Manitoulin conducts all aspects of its business honestly and ethically.

Environmental Responsibility
Red may come to mind when you think Manitoulin, but so should green. Being environmentally responsible is a top priority. Manitoulin always looks for ways to reduce its environmental impact, through operational efficiency and supply chain sustainability. The company focuses on investing in new technology and equipment that will help mitigate its carbon footprint

Our Dedication To Diversity
Manitoulin provides its services through an organizational structure that is reflective of the multicultural society in which it operates. As a business practice, it treats all individuals and companies with respect and dignity. Manitoulin exercises a positive work environment where ideas and open dialogue are encouraged. It’s a business entity where no one is discriminated against because of race, nationality, disability, gender, age, or religion.

Manitoulin Transport’s Quality Program

Manitoulin Transport Head Offices and Maintenance Facilities in Gore Bay, Toronto and Edmonton maintain registration to the current ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard. We have consistently demonstrated the ability to provide quality services that meet customer needs while complying with applicable regulatory standards for over 25 years. Our progressive philosophy continues to enhance customer satisfaction and improve processes to meet the challenges of our dynamic environment.

Our Continual Improvement To Quality Service
Continual improvement to the quality of our service is a vital component of our corporate culture. We ensure this through the establishment, measurement, and ongoing review of our quality objectives. We have a long history of quality initiatives designed to improve customer satisfaction. Several of these initiatives focus on providing on-time delivery and damage-free service to our clients consistently. Training takes place initially through the company orientation program, and then through ongoing training based on procedures manuals developed for all key operations activities.

Measuring Our Operational Performance
Every aspect of our operations, including on-time performance, linehaul departures, arrival times, and damage frequency, is measured and tracked to confirm compliance with our rigorous standards. Every terminal in our system takes pride in contributing to our goal of continually improving our operating performance and the level of service we provide our customers.