Flooding and mudslides in BC have caused significant road closures bringing shipments in and out of Southern BC to a halt
Notice to Our Valued Customers:
Floods and mudslides continue to impact travel throughout BC and many highways and major routes are currently closed. Because of this, all highways into the Lower Mainland and Vancouver area are closed for an undetermined amount of time. As a result, all freight carriers are experiencing significant service challenges in this region. There are shipments in our network that are delayed and will be delivered once the highways are opened.
As of today, November 17th, we will not accept any pickups for freight serviced by the Vancouver terminal.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will begin shipping in and out of these areas as soon as conditions permit and it is safe to resume operations. This situation is rapidly evolving and we will provide updates as soon as information becomes available.
*Major areas impacted by these closures include: Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, Merritt, Delta, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Surrey, Langley, Abbottsford, Chilliwack and Vancouver Island.
Please note: Manitoulin’s Sparwood, Cranbrook, Dawson Creek, Fort St John and Fort Nelson terminals are not affected by these highway closures.
For further information, we encourage you to visit www.driveBC.ca
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