Main Menu
- FAQs
- Sending a Shipment
- Shipping Tools
- Freight Management
- What is MT Direct?
- How do I register for an MT Direct account?
- I forgot my username and/or password for MT Direct, who do I contact?
- Why does my MT Direct password expire?
- Who do I contact if my MT Direct password has expired?
- Can multiple people in the company have access to our MT Direct account?
- Am I required to set-up MT Direct access for each of my company account numbers?
- Where can I request a rate quote?
- Do I need an account to request a quote?
- Should I include my quote number on the Bill of Lading?
- Where can I find customs forms?
- Where can I find the descriptions to the Delivery Codes on my reports?
- Where can I find Manitoulin Transport’s fuel surcharge?
- Track and Trace
- Bill of Lading
- Freight Management
- Customer Service
- Billing/Claims/Credit Application
- About Manitoulin
- What differentiates Manitoulin Transport from other trucking companies?
- Can Manitoulin Transport provide a paperless environment?
- I’m using Manitoulin Transport for my transborder shipping. Can you help me find a Customs Broker to assist me with customs clearance?
- Does Manitoulin Transport have a Quality Control Program?
- Glossary
- Privacy Statement
- Sitemap