Is it possible to view images of BOLs and PODs?
Yes, you can view and print images of your Bill of Lading and Proof of Delivery through MT Direct or use our shipment tracing tool available on our website.
Yes, you can view and print images of your Bill of Lading and Proof of Delivery through MT Direct or use our shipment tracing tool available on our website.
The BOL Generator is a custom database program designed to provide you with the ability to create complete and correct Bills of Lading for all of your customers – automatically. It is available for download at MT Direct. Register for MT Direct today. [...]
The Bill of Lading terms and conditions can be found on the back of the form or click here.
Manitoulin Transport has both printable and fillable Bill of Lading forms for your convenience. You may also ask our drivers to provide you with a Bill of Lading form.
There could be a few reasons for this: a) Check to make sure that you are not entering the Bill of Lading number into the tracing screen for a probill number. b) You may not be using a customer number that [...]
There could be a few reasons for this: a) Check to make sure that you are not entering the probill number into the tracing screen for the Bill of Lading or PO number. b) You may not be using a customer [...]
Click here for Manitoulin Transport's fuel surcharge.
Manitoulin Transport has a full list of Delivery Codes and their meanings online.
We have a variety of printable or fillable customs forms on our website. Forms include: U.S. Customs Invoice, Manitoulin Border Pass and NAFTA Certificate of Origin.
Yes, always include your Manitoulin quote number on the Bill of Lading for ease of processing.